The Tree


The Trees

 As of this time, there are five to six "PERVIN" families living in North America .  Although this site was created for the Pervin family who once lived in Toledo, Ohio and whose first generation were Leib and Schandel Pervin, we would like to share this site with other "PERVIN" families.  We may find we are all distant cousins.  We carry the same heritage and came from Ukraine near Kiev.  The missing links may be found among the first generations.  For that reason, all the branches of "PERVIN" have been introduced at this page.  We hope someday "PERVIN" family in East Europe will join us in our search.

  The Tree I    

 The Tree I  represents the first three generations of Leib and Schandel Pervin who lived in Toledo, Ohio.

  The Tree II
The Tree II represents the entire five generations of Leib and Schandel Pervin.

The Tree III
 The Tree III represents the five generations of Aron Pervin immigrated to Montreal, Quebec around 1900.  Introduced by Tim Pervin.

The Tree IV
 The Tree IV represents the five generations of Zev and Clara Pervin immigrated from Berdichev,Russia   to the United States around 1891.  Introduced by Deborah Scheimer. 

The Tree V

 There has been a first contact from Russia made by Dr. Youri A. Pervin who introduces his Pervin Tree here.  Dr. Pervin is Professor of Pedagogical Sciences at  According to him,  his grandfather Samuil Yakolevitch Pervin had 11 children.  The oldest of the first three children (two sons and one daughter) departed to the United States in 1906.  One of them was remembered by the family who lived in Pittsburgh.  The first generation in the United States for the Pervin branch at Pittsburgh is known to be Zev (Wolf William) Pervin.  He came from Berdichev around 1891 according to his descending family.   Samuil Yakolevich once lived in Berdichev before he moved to Vinnytsa, at which city Abram Samoilovitch, Dr. Pervin's father was born.  Vinnytsa is a city less than 10 miles from Litin where Yahuda (Leib) Pervin came from.

 These facts lead us to speculate Zev Pervin is closely related to Samuil Yakolevitch.  And also one can speculate Yahuda Pervin as well related to Samuil Yakolevitch.  Among the descending family of Yahuda, there has been expressed a stunning resemblance of Dr. Pervin's feature to all the family members of the Pervin branch from Toledo, Ohio.


The Tree VI


The tree VI  represents the Porvin branch in Detroit, Michigan and Los Angeles, California. 

Introduced by Cindy Tobisman, great grand niece of Betty Porvin and granddaughter of Beverly Porvin.

The Tree VII

 The Tree VII represents descendants of Moishe Pervin, one of the largest branches,  immigrated at Montreal, Quebec.  This Tree shares the same root with The Tree III, descendants of Aron (Avrum) Pervin.

 The Tree VIII


   Ruba Pervin, the first born daughter of Samuil Yakovlevitch immigrated at Pittsburgh, PA with her husband Morris Cooper.  According to the Ellis Island Records, the family name was spelled Kuper at the ship manifest listing as for the final destination of Bertha Pervin, an another daughter of Samuil who arrived at US on April 11, 1913.  Yvsey Pervin a brother of Luba and Bertha kept an old address of Luba in Pittsburgh at 2083 Bentley Drive during 1933-1935.  Dorothy King one of the eldest descendent of the Pittsburgh Pervin remembered the Cooper family for many years.



  The Tree IX

Berth Pervin, one of the daughters to Samuil Yakovlevitch and Feiga Laila Abramovna arrived at the Ellis Island on April 11, 1913, by the SS. Pretoria.  She was listed as 18 years old dress maker and came from Winnitza (Vennytia), Ukraine.  Her final destination was listed as 72 Brown Street, Pittsburgh, PA., and Morris Kuper as her brother in law.

The Tree: The Last Chapter

 The Tree: The Last Chapter is an incomplete Tree. Its records based on a hypothesis that is to assume all the trees would share the common root.  It may be "a dream come true".  A "Preview" of this tree has been created, at this time, due to the fact the Tree II and Tree VI are proven to sharing the same origin.  This Tree may never been completed.  Nevertheless, we keep strive to find the common root, for that is what our theme of this web-site is.