to the chronicle listed at the Shtetlinks, on March 14,
1919, a pogrom took place in Litin and ten Jewish residents were
murdered. (In the year 1919, many pogroms took place in Litin.) The date March 14 is very significant
to the Los Angeles
Porvin family because the date represents the birth date of Beverly Porvin, the
youngest of Samuel and Shiva Porvin's five children. Rochell, one of the
daughters of Beverly recalled that her mother never believed that the date was
for her actual birth but instead the date represents the date when Shiva was
killed during the pogrom. Our speculation is that it was the surviving
family's way of memorializing the anniversary of the death of the children's
note, the Porvin family does not have any written records to
indicate that Samuel and his family lived in Litin. We do
know they were born in Bagrinovtsy and left for
US from the same town. It is possible that they lived in
Litin and commuted to their factory at Zaluzhna. It is also
possible that they lived in Bagrinovtsy instead while commuting to
the first day we arrived in Litin, our search to find the house
of Samuel and Leib began with "a large church".
This clue was based on the Tobisman records which indicated that
Samuel and his children lived next to
"a large church." It did not take even 5 minutes
for us to locate a renovation site of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral
at the town's central park. According to the construction
workers, the Cathedral was the oldest of all in the town. Next to the construction site there is an open
area where once stood a long, large Jewish residence composed of two
adjacent homes according to Sasha, the inspector of the construction. The
building was demolished in the 1960s after the current 4-story
city hall was built. This description of the house appears to fit our description of
Leib and Samuel's house.
We went to the city's museum and found a photo (shown above)
which shows the house next to the city hall.
the same time, we could not totally abandon the possibility that
Leib and Samuel lived in Bagrinovtsy instead in Litin, when they were commuting to the factory.
We had to consider the date the factory was destroyed by the
Bolsheviks - some time after 1917. The US census of 1920
lists the immigration of Samuel as 1913. He came to the US alone in order to prepare
bringing his family to Detroit. Since WWI began the following year, he
could not get back to his family. It is conceivable that
the factory had already been sold to the new owner Poriakov Pan, the Polish
Lord when Samuel arrived in Detroit. That means Leib and his family moved to Litin
while Samuel's family
remained in Bagrinovtsy, suffered the pogrom in
Bagrinovtsy, not in Litin in the year 1919.
and I, therefore, also searched for any evidence in Bagrinovtsy
of a long, large Jewish residence near "a large church". However, we saw
only a
large Orthodox cemetery in the center of Bagrinovtsy where
a bus stop now stands across the road. This is the only
likely location of the residence of
Pervin and Porvin Orthodox or Catholic cathedral stood
Norimi and Heidi
Photo (A) a view of the currently
named Lenin Street in the central park area of Litin where
the old residence of Leib and Samuel may have been situated.
Photo (B) Heidi stands
to the right of the building where the Pervin residence once
stood in Litin.
Photo (C) shows a closer
view of the same
building of Photo (A) in Litin.
Photo (D) shows the open
space where once the Pervin residence stood in Litin.
Photo (E) Both pillars
are remnants of Soviet construction in Litin.
Photo (F) is an old
photo that shows the Pervin residence next to the City Hall in
Photo (G) is the central
section of Bagrinovtsy where the three main streets meet
in front of the bus stop.
Photo (H) shows the left
hand side of the street of Photo (G), a possible site of
"an old church" in Bagrinovtsy.
Photo (I) is a frontal
view leading to the Christian cemetery in Bagrinovtsy.
Photo (J) is the side
view of Photo (H) where is a war memorial statue stands.
Somewhere near by this site could be the residence of Pervin and
Porvin family (Bagrinovtsy).

( A )

( B ) |

( C ) |

( D ) |
( E ) 
( F )

( G ) |

( H ) |

( I ) |

( J ) |