According to the, there are 9 Pervins passed through the Ellis Island Gates. They are listed as passengers records as certified as follows:
Berta Pervin listed in 1) has been already identified as a family member in the Tree IV and Tree V. Arexandra Pervin listed in 4) and , Jenny(3), Alexander(6) and Marie(7) are wife and children of the US military personell who are on the way to New York. However, their home is listed as Fort Meyer.
Mer F Pervin, a banker, listed in 8) appeared to have come from Southampton (possibly in United Kingdom) to Lafayet (in the unknown state).
Aron listed in 5) came from Greece. However, according to his manifest, he came from Zitimmir, Ukrane, near by Kiev and Berdichev. He was his way to meet his sister, Anna Garber in New York. He still is a candidate for Aron Pervin who is the first generation immigrated to Motreal, Quebec, and yet, his age appeared to be little too young for the grand father of Harry Pervin who was born 1912. Tim Pervin of Toronto, Canada represents our Tree III in this web-site.
The remaining two of Isaak and Motel listed in 2) and 9) immigrated respectively in the US at Detroit, Michigan. Isaak came to meet his uncle Mr. B. Pervin at Hasting Street, Detroit and Motel came to see his brother at Alfred Street, Detroit according to their ship manifest. Thus, either one or both of them could be related to the so-called Family of Porvin once resided in Detroit. Cindy Tobisman represents her Tree VI in our site.
The following certificates for the Isaak and Motel appear at the